First Umpiring Seminar of 2014The first Umpiring Seminar will take place on Thursday 9th January (the day after the Extraordinary General Meeting). It will start at 7 and will be at Blue Flames in one of the bar areas! There will be at least one further seminar, probably in February after the winter league has finished and half term passed.
EVERYONE is welcome to attend the Seminar regardless of whether they umpire, coach or just play. Improving everyone’s knowledge of the rules of the game can only help to improve the quality of netball on the court. However please note the following:
Anyone planning to attend is asked to inform the League Secretary. NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING
Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of TWCNA is to be held as follows:
Venue: Blue Flames Sporting Club Time: 7pm Date: Wednesday 8th January 2014 The purpose of the EGM is to adopt a new Constitution, a copy of which will be available on this website from 13th December 2013. Following the completion of the business of the EGM a General Meeting will be held for entry to the County Spring League. Please note that any club wishing to enter the County Spring League must:
Sportswoman of the Year AwardsThe Sunday Times are currently inviting votes for the Sportswomen of the Year Awards and one of the categories is ‘Team of the Year’. With another excellent Series win a few weeks ago, the 2013 record for England now reads 9 matches played, 9 wins.
To celebrate this incredible achievement, and hopefully more victories when we travel to South Africa later this month, we would please invite you all to vote for England as your team of the year and continue the remarkable success story. If you would like to show your support for the team, head over to this link and vote for England Netball! Anna Mayes targets world domination for England's netball team.![]() Young coach earmarks 2014 Commonwealth Games as first step for a sport that is thriving despite its lack of Olympic status.
When England's netball coach Anna Mayes was 16 she had one ambition. "I told my mum I wanted to coach England," laughs the 32-year-old. Two years ago Mayes was appointed to that very role, having already worked with the Under 21s, and her approach has yielded phenomenal results. In Mayes' first month England won the world series, and earlier this year her side whitewashed the world champions, Australia, in a 3-0 series win (previously England had only ever beaten Australia twice, in 1981 and in 2010). England remain unbeaten in 2013. Despite the fact that most of England's players work or study full-time Mayes, herself an autoethnography PhD student, leads a squad that is wholeheartedly professional in its outlook. Players such as the captain, Pamela Cookey, now fit in morning and evening training sessions around their day jobs, in Cookey's case a demanding role as a site services manager working for an aircraft manufacturer. From the outset the Swindon-born coach outlined an unwavering vision of where the sport should be heading. "I wanted to do something in English netball that had never been done before," she says now, "so in 2019 our mission statement is: we want to be world champions." Click Here to read more... County Plan |
Tyne and Wear County Netball Association currently covers the three Local Authorities of Newcastle, Gateshead and North Tyneside, it does not cover the authorities of South Tyneside and Sunderland. An experienced and motivated committee lead the development of netball in the county with a part time NDO and full time NDCC who has covered Newcastle Local Authority in the last 2 years. A number of committee members serve the Regional Technical Support Groups as members or Chairs and therefore have good communication with other Counties in the Region.
Click Here to download the full plan for Tyne and Wear County Netball Association
Click Here to download the full plan for Tyne and Wear County Netball Association
England Netball Rules
England Netball (EN) has produced this Guidance to supplement the INF Rules of Netball with some practical application of the Rules, which takes account of legal duties not to discriminate, the duty of care and our objective to establish a safe, fair and inspiring sporting environment that contributes to a high quality participant experience at all times.
This Guidance is provided for everyone involved in Netball including players, coaches and officials. Umpires and Officials must apply the Rules and this guidance is intended to help them apply the rules, in a way which takes account of what may at times seem like conflicting imperatives. They are designed from a common sense and inclusive stand point, and are underwritten by the aim to include as many people in playing netball as possible. This means that consideration may need to be borne in mind which may not be the same for all players, but which are necessary to ensure due regard is given to people’s particular needs, for example, those with particular medical conditions or with cultural needs.
Click Here to
This Guidance is provided for everyone involved in Netball including players, coaches and officials. Umpires and Officials must apply the Rules and this guidance is intended to help them apply the rules, in a way which takes account of what may at times seem like conflicting imperatives. They are designed from a common sense and inclusive stand point, and are underwritten by the aim to include as many people in playing netball as possible. This means that consideration may need to be borne in mind which may not be the same for all players, but which are necessary to ensure due regard is given to people’s particular needs, for example, those with particular medical conditions or with cultural needs.
Click Here to
Welcome to your monthly newsletter from England Netball, with all your netball news and some fantastic features including:
- International Netball
- Local News
- Get to Know...
- The Fit Five
- Twitter
- Competition Time
- My benefits
- and much much more...
NEW Division 2 – important changes to the rules
Please read these notes carefully as the rules which will apply to Division 2 next year are significantly different to the rules which you will have been used to playing to in previous years.
The key differences are:
The key differences are:
- Division 1 and 2 of the Winter League will operate a one player, one club rule. So if you play for a club in Division 1 you can’t play for a different club in Division 2. However, if you play for your Club’s B team in Division 2 you can still play up for the same Club’s A team in Division 1.
- For all your matches you must provide either a ‘B’ award umpire or a ‘C’ award umpire who is actively working toward her ‘B’ award and has had agreement from the Umpiring Secretary to umpire in Division 2. These umpires must submit a fitness test at the start of the season.
- For all your matches you must provide a scorer. If you do not provide a scorer a member of your team must drop out and take on this role! The scorer does not have to be qualified but obviously must understand how to score! The scorer should sit with the opposition scorer and check the score with the umpires at quarter time to ensure the centre pass is correct. This should mean there are no discrepancies! However if there is a discrepancy which cannot be resolved by the umpires, the scorers must agree the score to proceed with between them! The flip over scoreboards should also be used for Division 2 matches. These can be operated by a third person or by the scorers. The scoreboards are stored at reception and should be collected from there by one of the scorers for the 6.30 match and returned by a scorer from the 8.30 match.
Thinking of Changing your kit for the new season?

or does your garage resemble a Netball exhibition at Beamish! If so you can donate kit, bibs and equipment you no longer need to Northumbria University who will utilise it in their work on the IDEALS project in Africa. The county set an excellent example recently by donating a large collection of old junior county netball strips and bibs to the University. The kit has already winged its way out to Zambia and was very gratefully received.
If you would like to know more about the work of the students of Northumbria University in Africa.
Click here to find out more
If you would like to know more about the work of the students of Northumbria University in Africa.
Click here to find out more
North East April 2013 Newsletter
Blue Flames Online Petition
We are seeking support for the new road proposal alongside Blue Flames which will attract substantial funds for the club, securing our financial future and allowing us to hold prices and to invest in site facilities including changing rooms, the bowling pavilion and the cricket square.
In order to help the planning application for this proposal there is a dedicated web site giving details of
the project along with an online petition which can be simply completed to show support for this.
The link for site is as follows - www.billypit.co.uk - and I would be grateful if you could encourage all netball users, friends & families to visit the site and sign our petition.
In order to help the planning application for this proposal there is a dedicated web site giving details of
the project along with an online petition which can be simply completed to show support for this.
The link for site is as follows - www.billypit.co.uk - and I would be grateful if you could encourage all netball users, friends & families to visit the site and sign our petition.