The fees have been approved by the EN Board and will be effective from the 1st April 2015. This is a pro rata fee, for new and returning members who have not been a member of EN within the last three years, i.e. not since 2010/11 season, and will provide affiliation from 1st April 2015 to 31st August 2015.
Netball Club – Taster Rate Fees 2014/15
- minimum subscription of 10 Registered Participants** (on 1 September in the year of membership)
- plus for each additional Registered Participant , over 18 years - £12.75
- plus for each additional Registered Participant, 18 year and under - £8.00
- plus for each additional Registered Participant, 14 year and under £4.20
- plus for each additional Registered Participant, 11 year and under -£2.60
Young Persons Group – Taster Rate Fees 2014/15
Registered Participants 18 years and under (on 1 September in the year of membership), and including 1 or 2 nominated non-playing leaders over 18 years
- minimum subscription of 10 Registered Participants**
- plus for each additional Registered Participant, 18 year and under - £8.00
- plus for each additional Registered Participant, 14 year and under - £4.20
- plus for each additional Registered Participant, 11 year and under - £2.60
The Taster Rate has been developed specifically to cater for clubs, leagues and other organisations that are running "returning to netball" or "welcome to netball" schemes, however the rate can be applied to new and returning members joining existing affiliated clubs.
Members joining under the Taster Rate scheme will have access to the full range of EN benefits, such as the insurance, netball magazines and digi-mags. The Taster Rate will apply to new and returning members once only, and the full affiliation rate would apply from renewal in September 2015.
Please Note: Taster Rates are not available to process online via MyNet and the application forms must be completed in order to apply for this rate. The EN Membership Dept. will then check that the individuals meet the criteria and will process them in MyNet.
The Taster Rate Application forms will be available to download from Friday 6th March 2015 on the EN website.
In addition to the Taster Rate Forms each participant must complete an EN Registration Form that is relevant to their age. These are also available to download from the same page of our website.
Your Region and/or County may add a levy in addition to the EN Taster Rate fees