The trials will take place on 24 June 2017 at Sports Central, satellite in the morning and county in the afternoon.
Please find links below to the following:
1. Nomination form for Satellite trials (I would suggest a maximum of 20 nominations, if you wish to nominate more please contact me)
2. Nomination form for County Academy trials.
3. Letter re trials for satellite players nominated.
4. Letter re trials for county academy players nominated.
Those players who demonstrate game sense, display tactical understanding, shows consistency in making appropriate decisions, is committed and driven and committed to learning and improving their performance should be nominated for trials.
Please be selective as to which players you send. Part of the criteria for the Academy is that players are committed to club, therefore please only nominate those who attend each and every training session and make themselves available for all matches.
Please note the trials are for NEXT season, therefore the age banding is in respect of their ages in the next school year, for example, satellite is for those players who are in year 7, 8, and 9 as of September 2017, and County is for those in year 10 and year 11 as of September 2017. There may be exceptions where younger players may be invited to attend the county trials.
Can you please ensure you complete the form electronically with ALL the information required and return to me by the deadline, Monday 12 June 2016, to enable me to prepare for the trials.
Those players who were in the system this season, if they wish to trial again, must be nominated again.